Report an Issue

Step 1: Create a Project

Go to the Projects link and then click the button. Enter information about the Project and click .

Step 2: Add Researchers

To add Researcher info, go to the Researchers link and click the button. Enter information about each Researcher on the Project and then click .

Step 3: Add Research Locations

Research Locations help define where groups of Subjects are located. To add a new Location go to the Locations link and click the button. You must provide a unique (and descriptive) name for the Location and link it to an existing Project.

Step 4: Add Subject Information

Subjects can be added by anyone with the appropriate role assigned by the admin. To add a new Subject, go to the Subjects link and click the button. Each new Subject must be assigned to an existing Location. The full detailed list of all Subject information can be viewed, downloaded, and printed by clicking on the button on the Subjects page. This can also be downloaded as a or copied to the clipboard

Step 5: Create a Collection Event

A collection Event can be scheduled for visiting one or more research locations. To create a new Event, go to the Events link and click the button. Each Event must have a unique (and descriptive) name, one or more Locations selected and a collection date. Researchers that will be present at the event may also be selected.

Step 6: Create Samples

Once an Event is scheduled, Samples can be generated for each of the Subjects at the collection Locations. To do this, go to the Samples link and click the button. On the next page, select the Event that you want to generate samples for (only events with dates scheduled in the future will show up) and select the type of sample (i.e. nasal or oral). Then click . You will then be provided with a list of Samples that will be created for each of the Subjects at the Event. Click the button to add the Samples.

Step 7: Print Sample Lables

To print Sample labels, go to the Samples link and then click the button. On the next page, select the Event that you want to print the labels for and click . You will be provided with a list of the existing Samples and Subject information for that event with all of the samples pre-selected. If you do not want to print a lable for a sample, deselect that sample. Select the appropriate printing options. Change the start position to finish off a partially used label sheet (numbers increase along each column starting at 1). Change the number of replicates if you need more than one label per Sample. Select the label paper from the dropdown or add a new label sheet type by clicking the button. Finally select how you want the labels sorted. Clicking the button will download a pdf that can be printed or saved.

Step 8: Mark Collected Samples

After a collection Event, the Sample labels should be scanned in, and marked with a status (e.g. Collected, Refused, Absent, etc.). One way to do this is by clicking on the QR scanner button on the top of the page. This will open up a window that will allow you to scan the QR code on the Sample label using your phone camera. Once the QR code is scanned, click the button and the Sample detail page will be loaded. Click the button to change the status of the Sample. Alternatively, the Sample ID can be typed into the search bar at the top of the page or on the Samples page. Multiple samples can be marked as collected by going to the Samples link and locating the samples in the table. Sample status can be updated using a dropdown in the table, or multiple rows can be updated by selecting them and then clicking on the button.

Step 9: Mark the Storage Location of the samples

To add a storage box, go to the Sample Boxes link and click the button. Provide a unique (and descriptive) name, size, and location for the storage box and click (note: once the box is created the size cannot be changed, if an incorrect size is added, delete the box and create a new one before adding samples). Once the box is created, you can quickly add samples to the box by clicking the button. On this page, you can either scan or search for the sample and it will be assigned to the next open space in the box which is indicated at the top of the page. Add the sample to the indicated position and then click the to save the location. You may continue adding samples in this way until the box is full, at which point you will be prompted to add a new box. On the box detail page, all of the positions and the samples stored are listed. You may also edit the sample in a location by clicing on the link in the table.

Step 10: Create a Pool

To create a Pool of Samples, go to the Pools link and click the button. Provide a unique (and descriptive) name for the Pool and other information and then click . On the next page you can add Samples to the pool by clicking the button or you can add existing Pools to the Pool by clicking the button. On the "Add Samples to Pool" page, Samples can be added by clicking the button and scanning the QR code on the sample label or by typing in the Sample ID in the search bar. Once the Sample shows up in the table you can click to select it (you can select multiple Samples from the table in this way). Click to add the Samples to the Pool. Note: Only Samples that have a Collected status will show up on this page.

Step 11: Add Tests

Tests that will be performed on Samples and Pools can be added at the Tests link. Click on the button, provide a unique (and descriptive) name for the Test, what it detects, and any information about the protocol and then click .

Step 12: Add Pool Results

Once the Pool has been tested, go to the Pool Results link and click the button. Select the pool and the type of test from the drop down menus. Update the status and results and click the button. To add results for multiple pools at once, go to the Pool Results link and click the button. On the next page, select the type of test and click . On the next page, select the pools from the table and click . The new results will appear in the Pool Results table. These can then be updated inline within the rows of the table or multiple rows can be selected and edited at once by clicking the button. For positive Pools, you can produce a report to provide to the institution by clicking the link for the pool in the Pool Results table and then clicking the button. The next page will show a list of the Subjects that were in the pool and this can be downloaded as a or copied to the clipboard Once the institution is notified, update the Pool notification status to mark as completed.

Step 13: Add Sample Results

Results for each Sample can be added by searching for the Sample and clicking . Here you will select the Test that was performed and the result details. Click to save. A list of all sample results can be viewed by going to the Sample Results link. Sample results can be added for multiple samples at the same time by clicking on the button. On the first page, select the test from the dropdown menu and then click . On the next page, filter/search for and select the samples from the table and click . The sample results will appear in the Sample Result table and the entries can be edited inline. Multiple results can be updated at once by selecting multiple rows and then clicking on the button.

Email Participants

To email the participants for a scheduled Event, go the the Events link and search for Event in table. Click on the Event name to go to the Event detail page and then click on the button. This will open a new email in your email client with the email addresses for each Event participant (if available) filled in.

Print Notice Slips for Participants

To print notice slips for participants in a scheduled event, go to the Events link and click on the button. You will be asked to select the Event and then you will fill in the text for the notice slip. The data in curly braces (e.g. {FIRST_NAME}, {LAST_NAME}) will automatically be filled in with the information for each participant. When finished click . A PDF will be downloaded with 5 slips per page.

Print Participant List

A participant list for each Event can be downloaded and printed. Go to the Events link and click on the button. You will be ased to select the Event and then click the button. You will be provided with a table of participants for the Event (First Name, Last Name, Classroom, and Grade). This can be downloaded as a or copied to the clipboard .